Welcome to Dear Diary Courses

A branch of www.dear-diary.co.za

Creating courses to help you master productivity and organisation in your business and in your life.

What do we do?

This is the home of all the courses created by Karin Meyer, owner of Dear Diary.

Dear Diary Courses launched in 2023, with the first course “Instagram for Small Business Owners.”

What started as live workshops created to teach small business owners in South Africa how to use Instagram Marketing turned into this online course platform.

So many women wanted to take part in the workshop but couldn’t make it on the set days, or lived too far out from the workshop locations.

Now, you can learn all the content from the workshops from the comfort of your own home, and even in your pyjamas if you want to!

What I Teach You in the Instagram Course:

This course is ideal for South African small business owners who want to grow their businesses on Instagram.

How to Set Up Your Instagram Profile

I’ll show you how to create a profile that attracts new followers and communicates what your business is about.

How to Create Engaging Content

Learn everything from making reels and creating carousel posts to planning your content, creating a posting strategy and engaging with follower.

How to Gain Followers

I explain how to use organic and paid growth methods, including working with influencers, giveaways and paid ads.

Hi, my name is Karin.

I started using Instagram for business 5 years ago. At that stage I had a mommy blog and knew nothing about social media marketing.

Over the last 5 years I have taught myself how to use Instagram to grow an audience and grow a business.

In 2020 I launched my first “official” business, Dear Diary. I created a unique diary design to help women live more organised lives and used my existing Instagram audience to advertise it. It went much better than I dared to hope for!

Since then, Dear Diary has grown to a following of over 14 thousand people.

I quit my teaching job to work on Dear Diary full time at the end of 2022 (along with assisting my husband in his website design business, Swerve Designs.)

Creating an online course and hosting workshops was the perfect way for me to keep living out my passion for teaching while being able to stay at home with my three kids.

I hope to expand my course offering over the next few months, focusing on growing a business, productivity and organisation.

Why me?

Why am I the right person to teach you? Good question!

The fact that I created my business from scratch, without any prior business or marketing experience, means that I went through MANY frustrating experiences on social media.

From failed giveaways to poorly performing content and wasting a lot of money on poor quality ads, I often considered throwing in the towel!

Luckily, each of these experiences taught me how to do it better and I want to help other women avoid all the frustrations I experienced!

Here are some other facts about me and my business:

I’ve grown my Instagram account to over 14k followers in the last 5 years

I have built a community of followers that trusts me and engages with my content

I’m a qualified teacher with 8 years teaching experience

I made over R500k in online sales in the last 10 months using almost only Instagram marketing

Check out my latest Instagram posts here: